Soundarya Lahari Sloka 4
For Removal of all fears, Curing of diseases

Mode of worship The Yantra to be made of gold or silver. Chant this sloka for 3000 or 1000 times everyday for 36, or 40 or 16 days. While chanting sit facing North East or East
Offering: Rice cooked with green-gram pulse, cooked rice mixed with lemon juice, bits of sugarcane and milk.
Benefits Cures ailments, makes you courageous. Makes you abundantly prosperous. Recommended for dancers and instrumentalists, as the focus is on hands and feet. Chant this sloka at least 11 times a day.
tvadanyaḥ pāṇibhayā-mabhayavarado daivatagaṇaḥ
tvamekā naivāsi prakaṭita-varabhītyabhinayā |
bhayāt trātuṃ dātuṃ phalamapi ca vāṃchāsamadhikaṃ
śaraṇye lokānāṃ tava hi caraṇāveva nipuṇau || 4 ||
त्वदन्यः पाणिभया–मभयवरदो दैवतगणः
त्वमेका नैवासि प्रकटित–वरभीत्यभिनया ।
भयात् त्रातुं दातुं फलमपि च वांछासमधिकं
शरण्ये लोकानां तव हि चरणावेव निपुणौ ॥ 4 ॥
த்வதன்யஃ பாணிபயா–மபயவரதோ தைவதகணஃ
த்வமேகா னைவாஸி ப்ரகடித–வரபீத்யபினயா |
பயாத் த்ராதும் தாதும் பலமபி ச வாம்சாஸமதிகம்
ஶரண்யே லோகானாம் தவ ஹி சரணாவேவ னிபுணௌ || 4 ||